The Foundation on cardio-vascular Research
Institut de France Presentation
“ The Institut de France, only found in France is characteristic for France. Several countries have similar academies, which can compete with ours, concerning the personalities involved and the importance of their work: France alone has an institute where all efforts of human spirit are combined, may it be the poet, philosopher, historian, the critic, mathematician, physician, astronomer, scientist, economist, jurist, sculptor, painter, musician. They all can call themselves fellow-spirits.”
Ernest Renan (1867)
The Institut de France, which was created in 1795 on a non-for-profit-basis to make its contribution for enhancing arts, sciences and literature, is composed of five academies, whose expertise is widely recognized and admired all over the world.
The Institut de France lies in the responsibility of Chancellor Gabriel de Broglie
“This Institute welcomes a crowd of “new philanthropists” free of complex, organized, competent, much honoured. Under his aegis they contribute with efficiency and a dynamic way to the great uprising of a new type of foundations. These foundations, regardless of their way of action, encourage the searchers, whose efforts are directed to discovery. Under the protection of the Institute, the foundations are continuing the traditional missions and are giving a chance to respond to the social needs, not yet taken care of. These are those who are demanding the most.”
Gabriel de Broglie, Chancellor of the Institut de France (2008)
L’académie française founded in 1635
L’académie des sciences founded in 1666
L’académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres founded in 1663
L’académie des beaux-arts founded in 1816
L’académie des sciences morales et politiques founded in 1795
Parliament for the men of letters, this institution is one of oldest and most prodigious ones, which practises Maecenas and is also the trustee for donors and legacies.
Since two centuries it is host to the foundations and also awards prizes, which play an incomparable main role in modern patronage.
The institute is also the proprietor of valuable riches of architecture, consisting in real-estate and exceptional collections, which have been a legation to the Institute since the end of the 19th century. Namely, the Château de Chantilly, the Museum Jacquemard André, the Abbey of Chaalis, the Château de Langeais, the Manoir de Kerazan, and anso the Villa Kerylos.
By its activities, the Institut de France is giving to France its status of being an intellectual, important in the world, due to the generosity of its numerous donors.
Furthermore, several important Maecenas or enterprises, national as well as international, among them Danièle Hermann, have created their own foundations within the Institut de France, and are profiting from its wise and competent counsellors from five academies.