

The Cardio-Vascular Research Foundation-Institut de France also is a unique business adventure !

If your company, your team wishes to support research on cardio-vascular diseases, we can conceive a partnership or sponsorship programme, well-tailored to your intentions.

Thanks to the status of the Cardio-Vascular Research Foundation-Institut de France, you will be benefitting of a fiscal deduction of 60 % of your donation within the limit of 0,5 % of your turnover.

How can your company engage itself concretely

  1. By a financial contribution of your donations and legations for major actions for prevention
  2. By getting in partnership with the Foundation for a research partnership project
  3. Become a patron of the Foundation
  4. Construct together with us actions in communications

Don’t hesitate to contact for any other questions :

Arthur Servin, responsible for our accounts Fondation à l’Institut de France

Mail :  – Tél : 01 44 41 44 37

A fiscal receipt will be sent to you for any amount of your donation.