
A donation ISF (Wealth Tax)

Get a reduction of your ISF (Solidary Tax on Wealth) and support the first research programmes “The Heart of Women”.

The Cardio-Vascular Research Foundation-Institut de France is launching a pin-point research on the feminine heart. This research is unprecedented in France and it is supported by the greatest scientifics, aimed to turn around the cycle of inequality of the heart.



You can deduct 75 % of the amount of your donation by declaring it in your Solidary Tax on Wealth (ISF) sheet. The fiscal reduction is limited to 50 000 € per year, equalling a donation of 66 667 €.

You are giving              Your deduction of ISF              Your donation costs you

200 €                                       150 €                                                  50 €

300 €                                       225 €                                                  75 €

500 €                                       375 €                                                  125 €

1 000 €                                    750 €                                                  250 €


In case you are submitted to the French tax-relief to a tax-payer’s scheme in respect of the solidarity tax on wealth (ISF) and if the net-value of your assets amounts to a minimum of 1 300 000 €, but is inferior to 2 570 000 € by the 1st January 2014 :

Concerning your declaration: : You are subject to a simplified declaration and therefore you are declaring your ISF directly on your income-tax declaration. Then you don’t need a proof of your donation.

Deadline for declaration : If you are choosing a declaration on paper, the deadline is the 20eth of May 2014..This date is different to the date fixed for a declaration on internet. In this case, it varies according to the department of residence, and it may lie between the 27th of May and the 10th of June 2014.

Your payment : It should have been effected before the 15th of September 2014.

Deductible donations: : For being taken into account, deductible donations should be made upon the date of the declaration: which is before the 20eth of May 2014 for a declaration on paper.. You don’t have to include a fiscal receipt Never the less, keep the receipts of your donations, because they have to be presented in case of a control.

When you are subject to the ISF and when the net value of your assets is equal or superior to 2 570 000 € on the date of the 1st of January 2014 :

Concerning your declaration: : You are under the obligation of specific declarations. You have to fill in a specific declaration for the ISF.

Deadline for the declaration and the payment : You have to include a receipt of your payment to your declaration ISF, and this before the 16th of June 2014.

Deductible donations: : You have to include all fiscal receipts of your donations. As a precaution and considering the postal delivery time, send us your donation as early as possible for reception of your receipts in due time

Please don’t hesitate to contact :

Arthur Servin, our account executive of the Foundation at Institut de France

Mail :  – Tél : 01 44 41 44 37

A fiscal receipt will be addressed to you for any amount of a donation.